

Mouth of the river Miño

Mouth of the river Minho:
The meeting of father and son

The waters of the River Minho have travelled a long way since its source. No less than 350 kilometres have been travelled. Each of the drops that had evaporated from the sea, and precipitated in the Galician mountains with a basin towards the Miño, have returned to where they were born: the Atlantic Ocean.

A beautiful legend that explains the vital water cycle.

As well as making us dream, many birds and other fauna find here an Eden to feed, so relax in this place, you are in one of the most important estuaries of the Iberian Peninsula!

Distance from here to the mouth of the river Minho:

2 km

30 minutes walking


Take your binoculars if you have them, as the birds and other fauna enjoy some breaks in these areas where you will be able to observe them.

Take the path upstream along the north bank of the river, it has an area suitable for walking and wooden observatories to camouflage yourself among the vegetation.

Nearby QRs:

A Guarda

Hill forts : Santa Tegra

More information at:

Tourist Office (A Guarda)

Websites of interest:



More information:

The mouth of the River Miño stretches for 14 kms and reaches 2000 metres in width, creating 4000 hectares of estuary catalogued as a protected area Z.E.P.A and belongs to the Natura 2000 Network (it is SCI, ZEPVN, ZEPA and Ramsar Area).

The shores near the mouth of the estuary are home to different species of birds, including cormorants (great and shaggy), grebes, ardeids, anatidae and a large number of waders and other seabirds. One of the local winged stars is the aquatic warbler, the most endangered passerine on the continent.

In A Guarda, there is an ornithological route. In this important coastal wetland, more than 200 species of birds have been recorded (approx. 40% of the spp. present in Spain) and in March 2017 the white stork bred for the first time in the Baixo Miño.

In this area (as in previous stretches), the Minho acts as a natural border between Spain and Portugal.

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