
Galicia from East to West

Galicia , Spain

Galicia from East to West

5 Days 4 Nights
10-70 +

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Galicia es la comunidad autónoma más noroccidental de la Península ibérica y se caracteriza por el contraste entre los relieves costero, de baja altitud, y el del interior, de una mayor altitud, con lo cual posee fuertes contrastes en su geografía. Las diferencias entre sus ecosistemas de interior (bosques de grandísimo interés ecológico), las sierras de la Dorsal Gallega, donde las nubes del Océano Atlántico encuentran su primera barrera y las costas con sus impactantes acantilados; harán las delicias de los amantes de la naturaleza. Durante 6 días visitaremos diferentes enclaves naturales de altísimo valor y muy poco conocidos.

Places You’ll See :

Detalles del horario

Day 1: Serra da Enciña e da Lastra Natural Park

The western end bordering León will get the adventure off to a strong start: embedded in the valleys of the river Sil, the sierra of A Lastra and its limestone peaks are a rarity in the Galician landscape, where granite prevails.
Limestone rock that forms the basis for the creation of an ecosystem with certain Mediterranean characteristics: holm oak forests, chestnut trees, meadows perfumed with the scent of wild thyme and more than 25 species of orchids.
Edges and caves. Orchids and holm oaks.
Geological contrast, place of contact of the limestone rock with the sky and the ideal habitat for the biodiversity of orchids and flora and fauna totally different from the rest of Galicia.
This first stop in our geography will amaze the participants.

Day 2: O Courel Mountains

A different orography, with narrow valleys squeezed between high peaks of up to 1600 metres above sea level, with strong climatic variations from summer to winter and with a special geology that intersperses banks of quartzite, slate or sandstone from the Lower Palaeozoic.
A great variety of native forests, of high ecological value, where the wolf, the wild cat or, since a few years ago, the bear, find their ideal place to live.
We will try to observe the golden eagle, being this mountain range its only nesting point in Galicia.
A hot spot of biodiversity of fauna and flora that will captivate you. Fill yourself with energy among its centenary trees and discover its ferns, mosses and bryophytes.
Fairytale forests that will captivate you
A landscape of incredible beauty, priceless ecosystems and the freshness of Galicia's emblematic forests.
If forests give Galicia the surname "Green", here we will find all the shades of this colour.

Day 3: Atlantica ridge

Between the inland forests of Galicia and its coast, we find mountain ranges of 1000 metres in altitude, which are responsible for stopping the arrival of clouds from the Atlantic Ocean, being its first natural barrier of medium height.
The constant rains soak their peaks and act as a natural sponge to keep water permanently all year round, in the form of peat bogs of high ecposystemic interest.
We will try to observe the wolf, although it is difficult to do so due to the great pressure that humans exert on this animal in this community. But, at least, we will follow its track....
The meeting of the interior with the coast
On its peaks there are peat bogs, scrubland ecosystems ideal for the observation of different species of moorland birds and a transit area for mammals such as the wolf, marten and wild boar. In its valleys, rivers with a permanent flow that soak the native forests of chestnut trees, blueberries and mushrooms.
We will have an astro-tourist experience to observe the night of the Galician coasts.

Day 4: National Maritime-Terrestrial Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia

1,500 kilometres of Galician coastline means that this will not go unnoticed by anyone. The meandering cliffs, beaches, capes, inlets and, as a culmination, the estuaries, famous for their nutrient-rich water outcrops, make a stop along the coast a must.
Different ecosystems to discover: dunes and coastline shaped by the Atlantic Ocean and protective cliffs marked by lighthouses that have become the emblematic anthropic construction of Galicia. Option to visit the National Park of Galicia.
We will attempt a sighting of common dolphins.
Dunes and coastal ecosystem: Protected areas.
In just one day we will be able to observe a Natural Park and a National Park, and the sunset over the sea, with the sun setting over the sea in search of the green ray.

Day 5: Fisterra: The end of the world

The cliffs, the seabed of the Atlantic Ocean and a passage of worldwide importance for seabirds, will make this the final experience of the trip through Galicia.
A rugged coastline, lighthouse lights marking its harshness and a sonorous heritage of seabird songs enveloped in the glow of the waves.
A spectacular sensory experience.
Cliffs, lighthouses and seabirds.
Galicia has one of the most important migratory passes in the world: gannets, terns, shearwaters and seagulls gather on this coast.
Cetaceans sail its waters, being the most representative element of Galicia, where everything ends, where the ocean seems to die, putting an end to the adventure.


The most interesting part of the trip? 🕵️

  • Visit the main habitats of Galicia, travelling along the line that will offer us the most differences, to discover it in its entirety.
  • The best option to see the large number of ecosystems in Galicia.
  • Visit the best preserved island of the Illas Atlánticas Maritime-Terrestrial National Park of Galicia.
  • Visit the largest white dune in Europe
    Possibility of observing golden eagles, ospreys, wolves and common dolphins.
  • Cultural interest.

Ecosystems of interest? 🏔

  • Estuaries
  • Rías
  • Atlantic islands
  • Dunes
  • Open sea
  • Mediterranean forest
  • Atlantic forest
  • Peatlands

Lo que está incluido

  • Accommodation
  • Accredited National Park Guide
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Insurances
  • Local Guide
  • Lunch
  • Travel

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